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Challenging fear in consciousness

There seems to be an idea that is gaining a lot of attention (and agreeance) across our culture. This idea is that it is just too hard and too stressful to live a healthy, conscious, awakened life. And therefore, it is not worth worrying about. I fully agree with the fact that it can be a very unsettling and disorienting reality to wake up to and choose to embody a differently lifestyle and level of consciousness. I have even made the comment a time or two that there needs to be a mental health support group for those of us that live this life. I strongly disagree, however, with the idea that this means it is not worth it. I came across a post recently where someone was saying that they became too stressed out when they were made aware of the toxicity of seed oils (extremely toxic and inflammatory oils that are found in approximately 70% of processed foods). This person was encouraging people to abandon concern for things like this that may stress them out and just “live life”. But here’s the catch – if you really want to “live life” and live it to your full potential, protecting your brain health, physical health, and your longevity, you must be aware of these things. So here is my point – being aware of the reality of our world does not have to equate to fear and stress. And honestly, I believe it can cultivate just the opposite. Awareness equals protection. Awareness equals empowerment. Awareness equals knowledge and education. Awareness equals confidence. Awareness equals health. Awareness equals making choices and breaking patterns that the family members who came before you were not enlightened enough to break themselves. Don’t get me wrong, I have fallen victim to fear when it comes to the overwhelm that awakening to certain information can bring. I was once frantically purging my pantry, buying glass containers for everything and throwing out plastic, hyper-aware of the horrifying messaging in movies and tv and fearfully protecting my child from it, and eliminating all toxic household products in a fear-induced frenzy. I have been there. Until I realized that it was indeed stressing me out. This is a huge lifestyle adjustment, and the feelings that may come over you as you make the switch may just be largely in response to that simple fact. I also realized though, that this is about the relationship we choose to have with this lifestyle. There is no need for a stressful, fear-based relationship. Settle in to the idea that you are very much advantaged when you are carefully, mindfully, selecting what goes into your body and your children’s bodies. Settle in to the idea that you have access to any information you want to find and learn about, you just have to know how to get plugged into the right information and do sound research. Settle in to the idea that you can learn how your body and brain work, and that you can create a beautifully conscious life that provides nurturance and vital protection to the mind, body, and souls of you and your family. Settle in to the idea that fear or stress can not control you when you are living a life that keeps you safe and healthy. So to the people who are encouraging others to abandon awareness or consciousness in favor of “just living life”, I say, NO- how about we encourage people to abandon fear? To not be controlled by fear and stress? To shed these emotions, challenge them, rise up, learn to find confidence and a healthy relationship with protecting and caring for ourselves, and to never abandon consciousness.

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