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Founded on extensive up-to-date research and professional expertise, the mission of Consciously Connected is to bring crucial information to individuals who are looking to liberate themselves from challenges that are hindering well-being and health. Consciously Connected is designed to serve as a platform where people can enlighten themselves and become more conscious about the "why" behind deep-seated challenges. When we know better, we can do better. Without knowledge of how things work within and outside of our systems, we cannot possibly begin to effectively deliver a solution. Which is exactly why Consciously Connected prioritizes education for the purpose of implementation. Caitlin, the founder of the brand, is committed to delivering information and easy-to-use tools to begin engaging with your life and yourself with a new level of consciousness and intention. 

Rock Balancing


There is quite a bit of information we need that is typically outside of our awareness, both on a consciousness level and systemically. The support and programs offered through Consciously Connected work to bring this awareness to you in order to facilitate change. 

Holding a Book


Knowledge is power, and sometimes digging into information can be overwhelming and equally discouraging. Consciously Connected promises to provide you with education in areas immediately relevant to understanding the functions of your brain and body and the world around you.

Image by youssef naddam


The coaching element of Consciously Connected is designed to offer support and problem solving as well as increasing skills such as accountability, discipline, and follow through on the information and tools provided. Awareness and education are only as good as the energy we put into implementing them. 

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