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CREDENTIALS + Experience


I currently hold clinical licensure in both the state of Missouri and Colorado. This licensure allows me to practice clinically (therapeutically) within these states. My coursework, continuing education, and clinical experiences as an LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) inform many of the concepts included in my coaching program and coaching sessions. 

Certified Brainspotting Practitioner 

I quickly learned early on in my career that there were clearly deeper things at play preventing my clients from making sustainable change. I became motivated to seek out an intervention that allows us to address the root causes (often stuck stress cycles and emotions in the brain and body) that play a signficant role in the symptoms and behaviors that keep us stuck. Brainspotting allows you access to a deeper level of processing to meet your goals. For more information on Brainspotting as a practice, visit 

Trauma-Informed Practitioner 

When people hear the word “trauma” sometimes it can be misinterpreted. Trauma is anything that may have happened to you that overwhelmed your system and made it extremely difficult or impossible to cope. This could be death of a loved one, abuse, unexpected transitions, life changes, deployments, chronic chaos in your home, etc. We can be impacted by traumas as early as in the womb, through the birth process, or infancy.  I always approach my clients with a lens that understands the implications of our lived experiences on our brains and bodies. When we can fully understand the full picture, we have a better chance of understanding why the brain and body might be doing what they are doing. 

Trained in Polyvagal Theory 

A theory developed by Stephen Porges in 1994, this theory focuses in on the neuroscience and psychological constructs that play into the role our Vagus nerve has in our ability to regulate our emotions, socially connect, and respond to threats/fear. Understanding these pieces of our being allows us a greater sense of control over what can sometimes feel very much out of our control. I integrate the Polyvagal theory into my coaching and education, as I believe it is an integral part of managing our every day lives and setting ourselves up for success. 

10+ Years of Mental Health Experience

Prior to landing in individual clinical and coaching roles, I have held positions across many different systems. Some of the positions and systems that brought me valuable experience are as follows:


Community Corrections 

Department of Human Services 

Department of Veterans Affairs 

Group Homes for Victims of Human Trafficking 

CASA (Child Abuse Special Advocate)

Victim Advocacy for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Victims


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