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Caitlin clote

As I began my career as a licensed trauma therapist in the mental health field, I quickly noticed themes among those who were struggling and suffering through cycles that almost seemed to perpetuate themselves. I then began diving into independent research and carefully observing human behavior, summarizing that there were deeper processes at play going largely unaddressed. This caused me to develop a deep passion for bringing awareness to these processes so that people can begin to realize their own power. 


Not only have I spent years researching and reading into these processes and concepts, I have also surmounted my own deep-seated challenges by practicing the exact information I deliver through my brand, Consciously Connected. Staying aligned with what I preach is of utmost importance to me, as I want to demonstrate what is possible when we take accountability, build self-discipline, and engage with our lives with awareness, consciousness, and intention. 

I wholly believe in a holistic and comprehensive approach, as our brains and bodies must be fed in very specific ways to function and serve us well. The mission of Consciously Connected is to provide you with knowledge, tools, and unwavering support needed to navigate the complexities of mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

I sincerely hope that with your understanding of my passion around raising our consciousness, and therefore our level of health, you can trust that Consciously Connected is built upon a foundation of genuine care and sound investigative research. Join me in discovering the transformative power within you and begin to shed patterns that are deeply stuck in your system, unlock your true potential, and create a life of fulfillment and inner peace.


Your friend in Consciousness, 


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