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Light and Shadow

Welcome! Now it's your time  

to regain control, break patterns, and wake up your healthiest, most conscious self.

con·scious·ness[ kon-shuhs-nis ]


  • The state of being aware and awake to one’s surroundings

  • The fact of awareness of the mind itself, and the world

how can consciously connected programs help?

Increase energy + motivation

Set goals

Find relief from chronic emotions + stress

Learn healthy stress management

Gain a deeper understanding of self

Find meaning + purpose in life

Build self-discipline

Clear blocks to accomplishing goals

Increase accountability 

Become an active participant in your life 

Free 30 minute consultation

Not sure what starting point is right for you? Connect with me today to schedule a consultation to specify your needs and determine which program option is best for you.

Foundations program

Are you ready to invest in yourself and awaken the healthiest version of you?

Join my guided seven module program to learn and implement core concepts of mental and physical wellness.

 This program provides you with the education, awareness, and tools to shift your behaviors and end cycles and patterns that negatively impact your mental and physical health.

Week One: 

The Influence of Our Subconscious Brain + Our Nervous System

This week focuses on learning, understanding, and implementing strategies to regain control of the most easily controlled and influenced part of our being, the subconscious brain. Every single thing we have ever experienced is held in our subconscious brain, and if it goes unchecked, it can seriously work against us. We discuss concepts such as autosuggestion, which allows for rewiring the brain to serve us. We will also explore the cultural conditioning that impacts our subconscious and how this plays into autopilot-like behaviors. Psycho-education and strategies will also be given to directly influence the state of our nervous systems, ultimately getting out of fight-flight or freeze modes and priming our bodies for regulation. 

1:1 Coaching Program

If you are motivated to shift your life but are overwhelmed with the "how", look no further. This individualized yet structured coaching program provides you with 1:1 support, education, and the strategic framework you need to become the healthiest and most successful version of YOU.

Parenting Consults and Psycho-education

Parenting is a beautiful, yet challenging journey. In raising our children, we have the opportunity to challenge ourselves, learn greater emotional regulation, model healthy behaviors, break generational patterns of parenting, and even heal our own inner child.  No matter your goal, find the support you need in parenting consultations and psycho-education. 


Do you ever feel powerless to your chronic struggles? Do you ever describe your patterns as impulsive, driven by something that feels very deeply rooted? Brainspotting is a powerful and effective intervention to address root causes of symptoms by processing stuck stress cycles and unresolved emotions in the subcortical (subconscious) brain. Unlock a healthier, lighter version of you with Brainspotting. 

Bowl of Peaches


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